с английским III. Раскройте скобки, поставив нужную форму времени и местоимения.
1. We (to be) at table near you. Give (we) tea and cakes.
2. Our friends Bobby and Marlin (to be) journalists soon. We will see (they) tomorrow.
3. It (to be) not (you) theme last lesson. It (to be) (I).
4. It (to be) really some good news on TV yesterday?
5. It (to be) not expensive to buy vegetables at this market next week. It will be sale.

mcpoh288 mcpoh288    2   14.11.2020 17:13    44

vickatrasyuk vickatrasyuk  14.12.2020 17:15

1. We were at table near you. Give a tea and cakes.

2. Our friends Bobby and Marlin was journalists soon. We will see they tomorrow.

3. It was not youre theme last lesson. It was i.

4. It was really some good news on TV yesterday?

5. It was not expensive to buy vegetables at this market next week. It will be sale.


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