Fill in the particle(s) correctly. Translate the sentences. Упражнения с Фразовыми глаголми give
16.I gave... his ring and his jacket.
17. We mustn’t give ... to threats.
18. She gave ... her work to look after the children.
19. The examiners is the person in auditorium who give ... examination tickets.
20. I give ... - tell me the answer.
21. Even Ruskin gave ... the attempt in despair.
22. The secret plans have been given … and now the chief is furious.
23. The factory gives ... a lot of smoke, causing pollution.
24. Although they were losing the match, the team refused to give
25. The shop is giving... free gifts to anyone who spends more than 30.
26. The papers were given ... and we had an hour to do the test.
27. In the end she has given ... trying to explain everything to us.
28. No vodka for her, thanks. She’s given it
29. She was standing at the buss stop giving leaflets ... to passers-by.
30. When is she going to give him ... her camera?
31. The names of the winners were given … on the radio.
32. When she was only a two miles from her destination the gas gave
33.They tried running, but They gave ... after about twenty minutes.
34. I said, ‘Please Ma’am, I should like to give ... my notice.’
35. The flowers give... a fragrant perfume.
36. Her patience finally gave .

ruslanmorozko ruslanmorozko    3   24.04.2020 12:50    13

crazy660 crazy660  25.01.2024 12:39
16. I gave him his ring and his jacket. - Я отдал ему его кольцо и куртку.
17. We mustn’t give in to threats. - Мы не должны поддаваться угрозам.
18. She gave up her work to look after the children. - Она бросила свою работу, чтобы заботиться о детях.
19. The examiner is the person in the auditorium who gives out examination tickets. - Экзаменатор - это человек в аудитории, который выдает билеты на экзамен.
20. I give up - tell me the answer. - Я сдаюсь - скажи мне ответ.
21. Even Ruskin gave up the attempt in despair. - Даже Раскин отказался от попытки в отчаянии.
22. The secret plans have been given away and now the chief is furious. - Секретные планы были разоблачены, и теперь начальник рассержен.
23. The factory gives off a lot of smoke, causing pollution. - Фабрика выделяет много дыма, вызывая загрязнение.
24. Although they were losing the match, the team refused to give up. - Несмотря на то, что команда проигрывала матч, она отказалась сдаваться.
25. The shop is giving away free gifts to anyone who spends more than 30. - В магазине роздаются бесплатные подарки тем, кто тратит более 30.
26. The papers were given out and we had an hour to do the test. - Бумаги были разданы, и у нас был час на выполнение теста.
27. In the end, she has given up trying to explain everything to us. - В конце концов она отказалась пытаться объяснить нам все.
28. No vodka for her, thanks. She’s given it up. - Для нее без водки, спасибо. Она отказалась от нее.
29. She was standing at the bus stop giving out leaflets to passers-by. - Она стояла на автобусной остановке, раздавая листовки проходящим мимо.
30. When is she going to give him back her camera? - Когда она собирается отдать ему его камеру?
31. The names of the winners were given out on the radio. - Имена победителей были объявлены по радио.
32. When she was only two miles from her destination, the gas gave out. - Когда она была всего в двух милях от своего пункта назначения, газ закончился.
33. They tried running, but they gave up after about twenty minutes. - Они попытались бежать, но сдались через примерно двадцать минут.
34. I said, ‘Please Ma’am, I should like to give in my notice.’ - Я сказала: "Пожалуйста, мадам, я хотела бы подать заявление об увольнении."
35. The flowers give off a fragrant perfume. - Цветы источают ароматный аромат.
36. Her patience finally gave out. - Ее терпение в конце концов иссякло.
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