с английским. Dates, salutations and complimentary closes
Date writing
It is always better to write the dates as words in international letters, because date formats vary in different cultures. For example, 06.05.04 could be 6th May in the UK or June 5th in the USA. The ways of writing the date in words in the UK and the USA also differ:
The British write:
10 December, 2008
Americans write:
December 10, 2008
Always use the name written in the inside address, don’t forget to include the personal title. Leave one line blank after the salutation.
The rules of punctuation are important to follow in business letters. If you know the person well and your personal relations allow you to address him or her by the first name, it is acceptable to use only the first name in the salutation and put a comma after it. For example: Dear Mary,
In more formal situations, use the personal title and name followed by a colon. For example: Dear Mr. Davies:
It is acceptable to use the full name in a salutation if you cannot determine the gender. For example, if you are unsure of Chris’s gender, you can write “Dear Chris Morgan:” instead of “Dear Mr. Morgan” or “Dear Ms Morgan”.
The closing begins one line after the last communication paragraph. Leave four lines between the closing and your printed name for a signature. The closing is usually followed by a comma.
“Yours sincerely” is addressed to a person you’ve met or talked to. “Yours faithfully” is more formal and addressed to people you don’t know. “Sincerely yours” and “Yours truly” are American ways of closing letters.
blank –пустий
comma –кома
colon –двокрапка
gender –стать
Exercise 1. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1. You can use the first name of the addressee only if you know him/her personally.
2. The title and name are followed by a comma.
3. Two lines should be left after the salutation.
4. You better write the first name of the addressee as well if you don’t know or cannot determine the gender.
5. The closing is put one line after the body paragraphs.
6. Three lines should be left between the closing and your name.
7. The closing is followed by a comma.
8. There’s no difference between British and American ways of closing letters.

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