с английским

1. thought-provoking
2. academic
3. intellectual
4. sophisticated
5. research
6. applied
7. higher education
8. distance
9. personal
10. highly skilled

a. engineers
b. knowledge
c. engineering
d. degree
e. motto
f. learning
g. potential
h. activity
i. growth
j. university

2. Fill in the correct prepositions.
1. … campus
2. to contribute …something
3. pursuit…something
4. to be proud …something /somebody
5. to offer wide opportunities …somebody
6. to introduce something … something
7. main tool … dialogue
8. to pay attention … something
9. to be involved … something
10. to establish itself … leader … science

с английским 1. thought-provoking 2. academic 3. intellectual 4. sophisticated 5. research 6. applie

blakblood2влад blakblood2влад    1   09.09.2020 22:50    230

katyakantalins katyakantalins  23.12.2023 12:23
1. thought-provoking - stimulating or challenging, causing one to think deeply
Explanation: "Thought-provoking" is an adjective that describes something that prompts or encourages thinking and reflection. It could be a discussion, a book, a question, or any other thing that makes you consider different ideas or perspectives.

2. academic - relating to education and learning, typically in a school or university setting
Explanation: "Academic" refers to activities, subjects, or environments that are related to education and learning, especially within a formal educational institution. It often includes scholarly research, theoretical knowledge, and intellectual pursuits.

3. intellectual - involving or related to the ability to think and understand ideas and information
Explanation: "Intellectual" refers to thoughts, ideas, or activities that involve deep thinking, reasoning, and understanding. It focuses on the mental, cognitive, and analytical aspects of education and learning.

4. sophisticated - complex, advanced, or refined, usually in terms of knowledge or style
Explanation: "Sophisticated" refers to something that is highly developed, advanced, or refined. It can be used to describe a person's knowledge, skills, or tastes, indicating a high level of complexity and elegance.

5. research - systematic investigation and study to discover new knowledge or information
Explanation: "Research" refers to the detailed study and investigation of a specific subject or topic to gather information, gain knowledge, or discover new insights. It involves collecting and analyzing data, conducting experiments, and drawing conclusions based on evidence.

6. applied - using or putting into practice knowledge or principles
Explanation: "Applied" refers to the practical application or implementation of knowledge, principles, or theories to real-world situations or problems. It involves using theoretical concepts in a practical manner to solve specific issues.

7. higher education - education beyond the secondary school level, typically at a college or university
Explanation: "Higher education" refers to educational programs or institutions that offer advanced learning opportunities beyond the secondary or high school level. It includes colleges, universities, and professional schools that provide specialized knowledge and skills.

8. distance - separation or space between two or more things, often indicating physical or metaphorical distance
Explanation: "Distance" refers to the space, separation, or gap between two or more things. In this context, it can also refer to distance education, which is a method of learning where students and instructors are not physically present in the same location.

9. personal - individual, relating to oneself, or someone's private life
Explanation: "Personal" refers to something that is related to an individual, private, or specific to oneself. It can be personal experiences, opinions, or preferences that shape an individual's perspective or choices.

10. highly skilled - possessing advanced abilities or expertise in a specific field or area
Explanation: "Highly skilled" refers to individuals who have acquired a high level of competence, proficiency, or expertise in a particular field, often through training, practice, or experience. It implies a superior level of skill or talent.


1. on campus - referring to a location that is within the grounds or premises of a school, college, or university
2. to contribute to something - actively participating or giving support to a cause or activity
3. pursuit of something - actively seeking or striving for something
4. to be proud of something/somebody - feeling a sense of satisfaction or admiration towards something or someone
5. to offer wide opportunities to somebody - providing a range of opportunities or options to someone
6. to introduce something to something - presenting or bringing something new into a situation or context
7. main tool in dialogue - the primary means or method used for communication and discussion
8. to pay attention to something - focusing or concentrating on something
9. to be involved in something - participating or being engaged in an activity or project
10. to establish itself as a leader in science - achieving recognition or reputation as a leading authority or expert in the field of science
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