С! 18it was still almost dark outdoors. nobody_howdifficult it was for daisy to get out of her warm bed but she did it.know19then it took her a great effor to dress_and to leavethen it took her a great effort to dressthe house. she headed to the opposite building.she20the dog, a wonderful shepherd blanka, was at their neighbours' housealone. her owners mr and mrs pitt,_for somebusiness.leave21daisy promised mrs pitt to take care of blanka while they were away.mrs pitt said that they_back in two weeks.be22"it's ok”, daisy thought, “one week_one more week is still ahead. i'll manage."and onlypass23every day before classes she had to walk and feed blanka. in theafternoons she played with her and_her again.it was also necessary to tidy up in the house as blanka, though she wasa very clever dog, was also quite a messy dog.feed24daisy had always wanted to adopt a puppy, but her mum_of the idea.not/approve25"you don't understand that a dog is a great responsibility. it's not evenlike having birds, hamsters, or_. a dog needs lotsof attention, time and devotion."mouse26daisy was experiencing it now. her mum was watching her. "mr andmrs pitt are getting back soon,” she said calmly. "if by the time of theirarrival you still want to adopt a puppy, i_you do it."let​

AlenaSey AlenaSey    3   13.05.2019 08:03    123

131756 131756  27.12.2023 19:30
В предложении "C! 18 it was still almost dark outdoors." имеется ошибка в написании. Вместо "C!" должно быть записано "At!" Это означает, что с 18-ти часов на улице все еще почти темно.

В предложении "nobody_how difficult it was for daisy to get out of her warm bed but she did it." отсутствуют слова "knows" между "nobody" и "how difficult", которые показывают, что никто не знал, насколько трудно Дэйзи было встать с теплой кровати, но она сделала это.

В предложении "then it took her a great effort to dress_and to leave" отсутствуют слова "up" после "dress", которые показывают, что ей было трудно одеваться и уходить из дома.

В предложении "she headed to the opposite building.she20the dog, a wonderful shepherd blanka, was at their neighbours' house" отсутствует пропущенное слово "found" между "she" и "the dog", которое показывает, что она нашла собаку.

В предложении "her owners mr and mrs pitt,_for somebusiness.leave21daisy" отсутствует слово "left" после "pitt", которое показывает, что ее хозяева где-то ушли по делам.

В предложении "daisy promised mrs pitt to take care of blanka while they were away.mrs pitt said that they_back in two weeks.be22" отсутствует слово "would" после "they", которое показывает, что они вернутся через две недели.

В предложении "it's ok”, daisy thought, “one week_one more week is still ahead. i'll manage." отсутствует знак препинания после "week" и перед "one", а также между "week" и "one", эти знаки являются запятой, и они показывают, что Дэйзи считает, что у нее еще одна неделя, и она справится с этим.

В предложении "and onlypass23every day before classes she had to walk and feed blanka. in theafternoons she played with her and_her again.it was also necessary to tidy up in the house as blanka, though she wasa very clever dog, was also quite a messy dog.feed24" отсутствуют слова "brush" и "fed" между "and" и "her", что показывает, что она расчесывала собаку и снова кормила ее.

В предложении "daisy had always wanted to adopt a puppy, but her mum_of the idea.not/approve25" отсутствует слово "disapproved" между "mum" и "of", которое показывает, что ее мама не одобряла идею.

В предложении "you don't understand that a dog is a great responsibility. it's not evenlike having birds, hamsters, or_. a dog needs lotsof attention, time and devotion." отсутствует слово "fish" после "or", которое показывает, что иметь собаку - не то же самое, что иметь птицу, хомяка или рыбку.

В предложении "daisy was experiencing it now. her mum was watching her. "mr andmrs pitt are getting back soon,” she said calmly. "if by the time of theirarrival you still want to adopt a puppy, i_you do it." отсутствуют слова "will let", которые показывают, что если к моменту их прибытия Дэйзи все еще будет хотеть завести щенка, ее мама позволит ей это сделать.

Corrected sentence: At 18, it was still almost dark outdoors. Nobody knew how difficult it was for Daisy to get out of her warm bed, but she did it. Then it took her a great effort to dress up and leave the house. She headed to the opposite building. She found the dog, a wonderful shepherd Blanka, at their neighbors' house. Her owners, Mr. and Mrs. Pitt, had left for some business. Daisy promised Mrs. Pitt to take care of Blanka while they were away. Mrs. Pitt said that they would be back in two weeks. "It's ok," Daisy thought, "one more week is still ahead. I'll manage." And only every day before classes, she had to walk and feed Blanka. In the afternoons, she played with her and brushed her. It was also necessary to tidy up the house as Blanka, though she was a very clever dog, was also quite a messy dog. Daisy had always wanted to adopt a puppy, but her mom disapproved of the idea. "You don't understand that a dog is a great responsibility. It's not even like having birds, hamsters, or fish. A dog needs lots of attention, time, and devotion." Daisy was experiencing it now. Her mom was watching her. "Mr. and Mrs. Pitt are getting back soon," she said calmly. "If by the time of their arrival you still want to adopt a puppy, I will let you do it."
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