Rudyard Kipling “If” 7d (Spotlight 11)

Answer Yes/No
1. Kipling went to England to study.
2. People he and his sister lived with were very kind.
3. He travelled a lot around England.
4. He was married and had 4 children.
5. Personal tragedy made his family retire from society.
6. Kipling didn’t want to take his well-deserved reward.

1. What does the author think of Triumph and Disaster?
a. Neither matters.
b. Both can be ruinous.
c. You can't have one without the other.
d. They are the same.
2. What sentence best sums up the overall message of this poem?
a. You will not be a man if you make bad choices.
b. It is easier to take the wrong path.
c. Life is full of challenges.
d. Make good choices and your life will be good.

3. Who does the author believe you must count on in life?
a. Yourself.
b. Friends.
c. Your wife.
d. Your family.
4. What does this mean? "If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue".
a. Keep your morals even if you might be influenced by others.
b. Listen to what others say.
c. Make sure you are loyal.
d. Don't share your opinions with others who might disagree​

sonalazaryan sonalazaryan    1   10.04.2020 11:06    11

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