розповідь про себе на англійській мові з перекладом​

SobolevaAlina SobolevaAlina    3   05.12.2020 19:37    0

chumaeva791 chumaeva791  04.01.2021 19:37

The story about me is very interesting. For me. I don't know what to do with the others…

I was born in the same city ten years ago. Nothing much has changed since then… I mean, of course I've grown up.

They didn't send me to the nursery, but I was in kindergarten. It seems to me that my conscious life began there. I loved kindergarten. I was the biggest bully in our group! But it was also great.

Graduation from kindergarten was fun. We were drinking baby champagne! Parents-too, but not quite children's. It's good that the school is taken without exams. I went to this school – so I'm studying. I like almost everything. More like an exact science, and not literature of all sorts. Here the answer is always accurate, verified. And in literature, history, and the like, you can always speculate, pour water.

This is about my path... Now about my family. I have a mom and dad, and a brother. It's a pity he doesn't live with his grandmother. And she could have taken it! She always says that she would like to have a pet. Our grandmother lives in the Altai territory. "Not low beam," as my dad says. And I like it there when we go on vacation – it's a fairy tale!

So, what else can I say? I love cereals. They are easy to cook, they are useful. My mother is also happy that I like them. But I love chocolate, too.

I ride a good bike. I love it when my father and I go for a bike ride.