Розкрийте дужки, ставлячи дієслова у правильному часі
(Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past
Perfect Continuous). Перекладіть українською мовою.
1. My dog looked guilty. He (to take) some food from the table.
2. I think we should buy a new car. We (to have) this one for ages.
3. You (to hear) about Lenny? He (to make) redundant.
4. After ten miles I had to stop for a rest. We (to walk) non-stop for four
5. My favourite white T-shirt went pink. I (to wash) it with my
daughter’s red sweater!
6. I wish I’d bought that antique chair I saw in the shop window. It (to
sell) by now.
7. At the end of this term I (to teach) for six years.
...3. Визначте, чи правильно вжито дієслова в наступних реченнях. Виправте дієслова,
вживаючи дієслова у правильному часі.
1. It’s been really cold lately, so I’ve bought some new thermal underwear.
2. I’ve heard you’ll have a baby! Congratulations!
3. When I was a little girl, I’ve always spent my pocket money on sweets.
4. I went out with Paul for two years now and we’re still crazy about each
5. She’d trained so hard for the Olympics that I felt sure she would get at least a
bronze medal.
6. The teacher said that Megan had been working hard and was deserved to pass
all her exams.

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