Rock climbing is not an easy sport. it requires not only physical strength, but also, complete mental concentration. but don't tell 20-year-old american sasha di guilian that. sasha, the bright student at columbia university, says that she began climbing even before she could walk! as a baby, she used to escape from her cot (anetckaa kpobatka) and as a toddler used to lead her friends to the nearest rocks or hills. then at the age of seven she attended her brother's birthday party at a local rock climbing gym and knew it was her calling (npu3bahne)! soon after, she joined the local center in her home town of alexandria, virginia and began climbing first once week, then twice and soon, almost every day! at the age of nine she won her first climbing competition. her competitive nature and love for the sport immediately helped her to begin training in earnest, but this time outside the gym - climbing real mountains. and she really feels happy about it! as a youngster, she was the leader of the junior continental championships from 2004 - 2010. then, as soon as she was old enough, she went on to win the pan-american championship, the us national championship and in 2011, at just 18 years of age, was crowned female overall worlid champion in arco, italy! so what's left for this amazing youngster to achieve? an olympic gold! unfortunately rock climbing is not included in the list of olympic sports. but this determined girl (together with the inter-national federation of sport climbing) is going to convince the oympic committee to add rock climbing to the 2020 olympics. краткое содержание

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Bartova2006 Bartova2006    2   22.12.2019 13:09    123

lenabota1 lenabota1  22.12.2023 04:05
Саша ди Джулиан, яркая студентка Колумбийского университета, начала заниматься скалолазанием еще до того, как научилась ходить. Как младенец, она убегала из своей кроватки, а в возрасте малышки она всегда вела своих друзей к ближайшим скалам или холмам. Когда ей было семь лет, она посетила вечеринку на день рождения своего брата в местном спортивном зале для скалолазания и поняла, что это ее призвание. Скоро после этого она присоединилась к местному центру в своем родном городе Александрия, Вирджиния, и начала заниматься скалолазанием сначала один раз в неделю, затем два раза, а вскоре почти каждый день! В возрасте девяти лет она выиграла свой первый соревнования по скалолазанию. Ее соревновательный характер и любовь к спорту помогли ей начать тренироваться серьезно, но уже вне спортзала - скалолазание на настоящих горах. И она действительно счастлива об этом! В юности она была лидером юношеских континентальных чемпионатов с 2004 по 2010 год. Затем, как только ей стало достаточно взрослой, она продолжила побеждать на американском чемпионате, оборвоках Штатов и в 2011 году, всего в 18 лет, она стала чемпионкой мира по скалолазанию в Арко, Италия! Что осталось для этой удивительной девушки и ее достижений? Олимпийское золото! К сожалению, скалолазание не включено в список олимпийских видов спорта. Но эта решительная девушка (вместе с Международной федерацией скалолазания) собирается убедить Олимпийский комитет добавить скалолазание в программу Олимпиады 2020 года.

Rock climbing is a challenging sport that requires both physical strength and mental focus. Sasha di Guilian, a student at Columbia University, has been involved in rock climbing since she was a baby. She had a natural inclination for the sport and would often lead her friends to nearby rocks and hills as a toddler.

At the age of seven, Sasha attended her brother's birthday party at a rock climbing gym and instantly knew that rock climbing was her calling. She joined a local center in her hometown of Alexandria, Virginia and started climbing regularly. She quickly progressed, climbing once a week, then twice a week, and eventually almost every day.

Sasha's competitive nature and love for the sport led her to begin training on real mountains outside of the gym. She found happiness in climbing and became a leader in the junior continental championships from 2004 to 2010. As soon as she was old enough, she went on to win the pan-American championship, the US national championship, and was crowned the female overall world champion in Arco, Italy at the young age of 18 in 2011.

Despite her impressive achievements, Sasha still has one major goal left: winning an Olympic gold medal. Unfortunately, rock climbing is not currently included in the list of Olympic sports. However, Sasha and the International Federation of Sport Climbing are determined to convince the Olympic committee to add rock climbing to the 2020 Olympics.

Sasha di Guilian's journey in rock climbing highlights the passion and dedication needed to excel in the sport. Her story serves as an inspiration to young climbers, showing them that with hard work and determination, they can achieve their goals and dreams.
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