ROBOTS Robots have been around for many years. They do jobs that are boring or too dangerous for humans. But robot technology is just at its beginning. We have lots more to see during the 21st century. Traditionally, people have thought that robots are machines that look like humans. However, most of the world's robots look very different. About 3.5 million domestic robots exist in various shapes and sizes. They can hoover, mow the lawn or do other chores around the house. Also about 1 million industrial robots are found worldwide. These large machines are used to perform accurate tasks very quickly in factories. There are also telerobots that are controlled from a distance and are used by doctors in surgery, and by the police and military to disarm bombs safely. Japan is the robot capital of the world with 30% of the world's robots. Robots have appeared in many books and films. In fact, the word robot was first used by the Czech writer Karel Čapek in his 1920 play Rossum's Universal Robots. Robota in Czech means 'forced labour'. Many stories with robots were also written by the writer Isaac Asimov, who invented the 'Three Laws of Robotics'. A popular fictional robot of recent times is Wall-E, the small robot that was built to clean up the Earth after humans had left the planet. Robots are becoming more and more intelligent and scientists predict they will create a robot brain soon. But will there come a time when robots are more intelligent than humans?