Rewrite the sentences using one of the modals in the list: ought to, can, must, don't have to, wasn't able to, should, shall, can't, mustn't's not necessary for you to fill out the form. you is a good idea for paul to take a break from the computer. paul 3.he is obliged to finish that report for me by 5 o'clock. he is forbidden for visitors to use their mobiles in the hospital visitors it ok if i leave aerly today? 6.vicky didn't manage to come to the party because she was ill. vicky 7.would you like me to get you something to eat? 8.sarah isn't able to use the lift because she is claustrophobic. sarah optician advised me to rest my eyes. my optician said i
2. Paul should take a break from the computer.
3. He must finish that report for me by 5 o'clock.
4. Visitors can't use their mobiles in the hospital.
5. Can I leave early today?
6. Vicky wasn't able to come to the party because she was ill.
7. Would you like me to get you something to eat?
8. Sarah can't use the lift because she is claustrophobic.
9. My optician said I should test my eyes.