Rewrire the senrences in reported speech 1 "you must pracyise hard every day," my kung fu teacher told me. 2 "can you show me the way to the library? tom asked me 3 "dont be latevfot the lecture," said liam 4 "i'm doing a biichemistry degree at oxford," said henry 5 "what time is it? " she asked

варяг2 варяг2    2   25.06.2019 19:50    1

Babka2002 Babka2002  20.07.2020 20:47
1) My teacher told me that I had to practise hard every day
2) Tom asked me if I could show him the way to the library
3) Liam told me not to be late for the lecture
4)Henry said that he was doing a Biichemistry degree at Oxford
5) She asked what the time was
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