Revise the active vocabulary. Complete the sentences. 1. Mr. Johnson is a famous st. 2. He has made some great dies. 3. He s in Chemistry.

4. Sce is very it for the dt of technology.
5. They use the following methods of r: on, ets, seys.
6. I want to write a ts in the f of History.
7. His work cs the problem of racism in the 19th century America.
8. As a historian, he often ds with artifacts and archive documents.
9. I’d like to get a sc d in the se of Geography. 10. His rh is very ut for the sty.
11. He would like to make a cn to this aa of science.
12. The obe of his sty is to sve some el problems of Russian youth.
13. We must ane the problem carefully: only deep as will help us to find the solution.
14. The st of her research is the influence of air pollution on the birds of our region.
15. These excavations will give us a chance to invte priceless artifacts. 16. A new chemical element has been dred by our rers.
17. Peter hopes to dp useful software which will assist his father’s scientific in.

На основании вот этого
Study the active vocabulary. Think how you can use these words and phrases talking about your research.
science – наука scientific – научный a scientist – учёный
to study – изучать
a study – исследование
research – исследование
to research – исследовать
a researcher – исследователь to investigate – изучать
an investigation – исследование
to contribute / make a contribution to... - сделать вклад в...
to specialize in... – специализироваться на... specialization – специализация
special(i)ty – специальность

to work at... – работать над (чем-л.) to deal with – иметь дело с...
to analyze – анализировать analysis – анализ
the subject of research – предмет исследования the object of research – объект исследования to develop – развивать(ся), разрабатывать development – развитие
a thesis – диссертация
a scientific degree – учёная степень
the goals/aims/objectives of research – цели, задачи исследования research methods – методы исследования
observation – наблюдение
an experiment – эксперимент survey – опрос, анкетирование
to cover the problem of... - освещать проблему to solve the problem of... - решить проблему
to discover – открыть a discovery – открытие
a branch of science – отрасль науки a field of knowledge – отрасль знания a sphere /an area of... - сфера чего-л.
the society - общество
important - важный
urgent, topical – актуальный
topicality – актуальность
essential, vital – жизненно необходимый

krachun77 krachun77    2   26.10.2021 18:34    38

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