Revise information about reported speech (p.102) and complete the sentences. Write what Sarah said, making the necessary changes
She said that……


a)       “I’m living in New York.”
She said that, she was living in New York.

b)      “My mother isn’t very well.”
She said that, she's mother wasn't very well.


c)       “Jane and Paul are going to visit Italy next month.”

d)      “My brother had an accident.”

e)      “I haven’t seen Diana last night.”

f)        “Jack and Jill were waiting for the bus.”

g)       “I don’t drink coffee anymore.”

h)      “Tom can speak Japanese.”

i)        “I will go to Anna’s birthday party.”

j)        “My purse was stolen this morning.”


 Revise information about reported speech (p.102) and complete the sentences. Write what Sarah said,

hatechanoy23l1 hatechanoy23l1    1   21.05.2021 11:15    64

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