Review of the film. This film follows David Kim, the father of Margot, a teenage girl who disappears after a training session. To help the investigation, the father is asked to look into Margot's personal life. The more he learns, the more he realizes that he didn't know anything about his daughter. David finds out that she made strange money transfers and participated in online chats, which leads to questions that he can't answer. In the film, we see how technology is crucial, but also harmful. While this helps David uncover information, it raises the question: how much should we really believe? The information may be misleading. The film demonstrates how real life can be distorted through Margot's Facebook account. She has several hundred Facebook friends, but none in real life. This highlights how the Internet can give a false impression of someone. In addition, the content of her messages is misrepresented, which we can identify if we have ever been the victim of a misinterpreted message. Social media quickly turns ugly, as an innocent hashtag to find Margot soon escalates into a public accusation of the father: #thefatherdidit. With social media, everyone has a voice and ulterior motives, and even her classmates only pretend to care about her in order to use ads to promote themselves. The film manages to capture the attention and hearts of the audience. It has a suspense-rich storyline and a fresh perspective that reflects technology in our own lives, making it culturally and personally relevant. So if you're looking for a movie to get lost in, this is the movie for you. What social disadvantages are shown in the film?
What are the challenges facing David Kim?
Why is this film attractive to viewers?