Решите Задание 3: Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя форму глагола в будущем времени (be going to, present continuous, present simple, will):
1.When …you…(do) the washing up?
2.I’m sorry, sir. The film … (not start) until 7.30 p.m.
3.He … (spend) the first week of the holiday sleeping.
4.My mum … (come) to school for the parent’s evening.
5.She… (work) in the USA when she leaves university.
6.We… (not meet) at the pizza restaurant until 9.30 p.m.
7.Our bus … (leave) at 4.30 on Saturday morning.
8.The phone’s ringing. I … (answer) it.
9.Your bag looks very heavy – I… (help) you carry it.
10.I promise I… (do)my homework after this programme.

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