Решите тест!
I. Choose the right tense form: Present Perfect or Past Simple?
1. I'm not hungry. I (have) my lunch already.
2. Jane ... (leave) a few minutes ago.
3. They ... (not / finish) making the movie yet.

II. Write sentences in Present Perfect Continuous.
1. We (wait) for George for half an hour!
2. How long (study) you?
3. It (snow) since midnight.

III. Use question tags.
1. They have worked in the camp, ...?
2. The oil kills many fish, ...?
3. I said exactly the same, ...?

IV. Translate into English.
1. Он - самый вежливый мальчик в нашем классе.
2. Это самый лучший фильм, который я когда-либо видел.
3. Футбол самый популярный вид спорта в Англии, не так ли?

woonov1488 woonov1488    1   20.04.2020 14:20    1

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