test 5 b

1. послушай запись и выбери правильный ответ.

1. what animal likes to sit in water? a bear b giraffe c lion

2. which animal eats leaves from trees? a rhino b deer c giraffe

3. which animal lives alone? a elephant b rhino c monkey

4. which animal doesn’t ann like? a bear b giraffe c tiger

5. which animal doesn’t drink water? a rabbit b dog c koala

2. допиши пропущенное слово.

legs leopard fur lion wing sharp elephants

1. my parrot can’t fly. he’s got a broken … . 2. koalas have got … claws for climbing. 3. indian … have small ears. 4. i like my dog’s white … . 5. a … can run fast and has spots. 6. giraffes are very tall with long, thin … . 7. the … is the king of the jungle.

3. выпиши «лишнее» слово.

1. fur – cobra – neck - paws 2. cow – penguin – sheep - deer 3. dog – crocodile – rabbit - parrot 4. tiger – leopard – goldfish - lion5. leg – insect – beak – tail 6. tortoise – duck – peacock - hen

4. выбери подходящую форму глагола.

1. sam’s hen lays / lay eggs. 2. a tortoise eat / eats leaves. 3. a bear sleep / sleeps all winter. 4. leopards run / runs very fast. 5. people hunts / hunt wild animals. 6. susan’s cat eats / eat fish.

5. расставь слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения.

1. trees / live / koalas / in 2. fast / leopards / very / run 3. sea / swim / the / tortoises / in 4. africa / is / from / rhino / the 5. stripes / black / tigers / have 6. honey / bees / make

6. подбери подходящий ответ на вопрос.

1. what is your cat’s name? 2. when do lions sleep? 3. do you like camels? 4. what colour is the penguin? 5. what do elephants eat?

a during the day. b fruit and grass. c it’s black and white. d no, i don’t. e it’s rex.

sahrona04 sahrona04    1   26.12.2019 22:01    141

котбутерьрод котбутерьрод  10.10.2020 23:34
1. A

2. C

3. B

4. это слушать надо

5. C

2. 1. wing

2. sharp

3. elephants

4. fur

5. leopard

6. legs

7. lion

3. 1. cobra

2. penguin

3. crocodile

4. goldfish

5. insect

6. tortoise

4. 1. lays

2. eats

3. sleeps

4. run

5. hunt

6. eats

5. 1. Koalas live in threes.

2. Leopards run very fast.

3. Tortoises swim in the sea.

4. Rhino is from the Africa.

5. Tigers have black stripes.

6. Bees make honey.

6. 1. E

2. A

3. D

4. C

5. B

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