Решите пож задания по английскому №1 Выполнение заданий по теме: формы причастий, отглагольное имя существительное.
1. Переведите предложения, определив формы причастий
1. Having investigated the patient's past history the physician drew the conclusion that the patient was sensitive to antibiotics. 2. Having been treated for a prolonged period of time the patient began to feel better. 3. Being asked some questions about the attack of the cardiac pain the patient stated that it was particularly acute on physical exertion.
2 Устно выберите соответствующую формупричастия. Переведите предложения.
1. ... the necessary fluid we could continue our experiments, (having obtained; having been obtained; being obtained) 2 for a prolonged period of time the patient made a complete recovery, (being treated; having been treated; having treated) 3 by the physician the patient was complaining of an acute