- Английский язык
- Решите максимально аккуратно
Решите максимально аккуратно и правильно важное задание b) Report the statements, using the verbs from the box.
1) Wendy said to her brother, «Don't forget to meet Aunt Polly!>>
2) A little boy said to his father, d really won't tell lies any more!>>
3) Ben said to his friends, Let's go to the cinema>>.
4) Linda said to Roger, «You shouldn't be so rude to your younger brother
5) Sam said to Jane, Help me with my project, please»>.
6) A little girl said, «Please, please, Mummy, buy me that doll!>> 7) Vicky said, « >
10) Janet said, "Let's have a cup of coffee, Tina>>.
11) Nick said to Cindy. Of course, I'll phone you».
12) The teacher said to the pupils, «Don't forget to bring your essays!>>