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Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits each space (Преобразуйте,
если необходимо, слово в скобках так, чтобы оно подошло по смыслу к
Very often living in the wild can be very for some
species. (DANGER)
In many national parks, biologists together with ecologists
natural conditions for endangered species. (CREATE)
Animals should live in their environment. (NATURE)
Choose the correct answer.
Nowadays zoos …
а) are good for a fun adventure.
b) provide proper nutrition and medical care.
c) force animals to live in confined spaces.
d) all variants
3 Use the words to complete the text. One word is an extra one.
environment, cages, recreate, protect, habitats, drawbacks, survive
Many ecologists name certain __a) of keeping animals in zoos. They think
that zoos cannot __b) natural __c). Moreover, poor
animals have to live in _d) . They argue that animals should live in
their natural __e)and we should __f) them in
the wild.
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