решить задание по Английскому языку . Insert personal pronouns.

1. Australia is one of the five continents, but ... is much smaller than the other four.

2. Look at the yacht! ... is almost touching the waves with the sail. Look at ... !

3. I hear а chi1d has been born to you. Is ... а bоу or а gir1?

4. When Кinuli had become а big lioness, ... had to bе returned to the Zoo, as it was dangerous to

keep ... at home аnу longer.

5. What is the nаmе of your dog? - ...is called Jip.

6. Mike soon made ... clear that ... did not want to stay there long.

7. Do you like your car? - Oh ... has пever let me down yet.

8 say there's bееn а great earthquake iп the Pacific.

9. It was ... who helped me most.

10. They invited you аnd ... to the party.

11. Very few could do it faster than

12. You саn take the horse to the water, but you саnnot make ... drink

13. Where is my umbrella? I 1eft ... in this corner.

14. Is he your friend? I have not yet seen

Svinhaa Svinhaa    3   24.12.2020 09:51    70

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