решить, задание на фото The cheetah is the fastest land animal; it can run at
104 kilometres per hour
The reticulated python is
in the world; it can grow up to ten metres long.
The blue whale is
animal in the
world, it can grow up to 35 metres long and weigh up to
110 tonnes
Howler monkeys are
land animals
in the world; you can hear them from five kilometres away,
The anopheles mosquito is
in the world; it carries the malaria parasite.
The ostrich is
bird in the world,
it can weigh up to 156.5 kilograms.
The three-toed sloth is
animal in the
world; it has an average speed of 0.16 kilometres per hour.
May flies have
lives of any insect
they live for about one hour
The stegosaurus had
brain of all
the dinosaurs, the animal was nine metres long but its brain
was smaller than your thumb

решить, задание на фото The cheetah is the fastest land animal; it can run at104 kilometres per hour

anamakitriuk anamakitriuk    3   04.01.2021 03:12    1

Retrostyle Retrostyle  04.01.2021 06:00

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решить, задание на фото The cheetah is the fastest land animal; it can run at104 kilometres per hour
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