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A great many people are afraid of snakes...

1. Most of the poisonous snakes of the United States are rattlesnakes.

2. There are, however, some poisonous snakes, and some are very poisonous indeed.

3. Rattlesnakes get their name from the rattles on their tails.

4. Deaths from snakebite have been cut down in recent years by the use of antitoxins that work against the

snake poisons.

5. There are now few deaths from snakebite in the United States, Canada, and European countries.

6. A great many people are afraid of snakes and think any snake should be killed on sight.

7. About 10,000 people die each year in India alone from the bites of poisonous snakes, and thousands more die in other tropical regions.

8. Actually most snakes are harmless, and some do a great deal of good by eating such animals as field mice and rats.

9. A rattlesnake often shakes its rattle when it is about to strike and thus gives a warning.

KristiLookNett KristiLookNett    1   14.04.2020 16:50    21

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