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Punctuate the following passage. Provide capital letters, commas, full stops, brackets, colons etc., where applicable.
non perishable goods such as coal steel cars and airplanes can be stored for considerable periods of time without loss of value this is not true however with perishables which must be placed on the market as quickly as possible if they are not sold quickly they will deteriorate if they deteriorate while in storage or in the shops both producers and dis-tributors lose a large amount of money if there is a glut of certain perishables these commodities must be sold quickly even if the selling price is too low for a satisfactory profit

kittyQuen kittyQuen    1   10.05.2020 23:40    10

m48gq m48gq  14.10.2020 12:46

Non perishable goods such as coal steel, cars and airplanes can be stored for considerable periods of time without loss of value. This is not true. However, with perishables which must be placed on the market as quickly as possible if they are not sold quickly they will deteriorate. If they deteriorate, while in storage or in the shops both producers and distributors lose a large amount of money. If there is a glut of certain perishables, these commodities must be sold quickly, even if the selling price is too low for a satisfactory profit.


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