решить тест
Choose the correct item.
1When Glib came home everyone … to sleep.

Ahad goneBwentChas gone

2When … you … home last night?

Adid comeBdid wentC had come

3If he … supper he wouldn’t have been hungry.

Ahad hadBhadC has had

4Jack was very … after working hard all day.

AtireBtiredC tiring

5If he … the window, the cat wouldn’t have jumped.

A would closeBclosedC had closed

6Mary hasn’t come home ….

AstillB yetC already

7We haven’t seen each other … ten weeks.

Aalready B forC still

8We hasn’t had a holiday … last Sunday.

AsinceBforC just

9My sister … to the country for the whole summer last year.

AgoesB went C has gone

10The book was very … to read.

Aexcited B exciting C excite

11 Our team…if they had played better.

A won B would win C would have won

12 I was … with this film.

A bore B bored C boring

dzhele19 dzhele19    2   29.04.2020 18:21    1

830927 830927  12.08.2020 18:15
had gonedid comehad hadtiredhad have wonbored
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