Решить ребус по внизу составлены вопросы а в кавычках написано из скольких букв составлено слово 1.a worker for a company (8) 2.you can get them from school and university (14) 3.without a job (10) 4.not working all of the working week(4-4) 5.someone who is learning the skills of a job (7) 6.try to get a job(5) 7.you have this if you've done the job before (10) 8.the person / employer you work for (8) 9.working the complete week (4-4) 10.leave a job (6) 11.this is your money from work (6)

Snomeli Snomeli    2   28.08.2019 04:10    1

nastyaturchina nastyaturchina  20.08.2020 16:57
1.A worker for a company EMPLOYEE (8)
2.You can get them from school and university QUALIFICATIONS (14)
3.without a job UNEMPLOYED (10)
4.Not working all of the working week PART TIME(4-4)
5.someone who is learning the skills of a job TRAINEE (7)
6.try to get a job APPLY(5)
7.you have this if you've done the job before EXPERIENCE (10)
8.the person / employer you work for EMPLOYER (8)
9.working the complete week FULL TIME (4-4)
10.Leave a job RESIGN (6)
11.This is your money from work SALARY (6)
Решить ребус по внизу составлены вопросы а в кавычках написано из скольких букв составлено слово 1.a
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