1-е задание - смотри таблицу неправильных глаголов, вторая колонка и выпиши их оттуда.
2. He didn't wake up because he was thirsty. He woke up to go to toilet.
3. He didn't hear a noise in the kitchen. He heard a noise in the living room.
4. He didn't find three men. He found two men.
5. She didn't keep her purse in her bag. She kept her purse in the drawer in the kitchen.
6. They didn't leave at 5 o'clock. They left at 4 a.m.
7. When they left, Russel didn't watch TV. He went back to bed.
8. The police didn't catch the burglars the next day. They caught them last week.
1-е задание - смотри таблицу неправильных глаголов, вторая колонка и выпиши их оттуда.
2. He didn't wake up because he was thirsty. He woke up to go to toilet.
3. He didn't hear a noise in the kitchen. He heard a noise in the living room.
4. He didn't find three men. He found two men.
5. She didn't keep her purse in her bag. She kept her purse in the drawer in the kitchen.
6. They didn't leave at 5 o'clock. They left at 4 a.m.
7. When they left, Russel didn't watch TV. He went back to bed.
8. The police didn't catch the burglars the next day. They caught them last week.