решить мне лень 1) Согласны ли вы с утверждениями (Agree or disagree):

1. Bread is made by a grocer in his grocery.

2. Bread is made from flowers, sun and water.

3.Yeast is added if you want the bread to rise.

4. First the flour is mixed with the juice and cola.

5. This mixture is called dough.

6.Then the baker irons the dough.

7. He pushes and pulls it.

8. The dough is cut into loaves.

9. These are put in a cold place to rise.

10. The loaves are baked in the bath.

2)Составьте предложения из данных высказываний:

1. eaten, all over the world, bread, is

2. by a baker, is, bread, baked

3. made, yeast, water, is, salt, and, bread, from, flour

4. the yeast, the flour, is, and, the water, first, mixed, with

5. dough, is, this, mixture, called

6. the baker, then, the dough, kneads

7. pushes, pulls, he, and it

8. cut, is the dough, into, loaves

3)Соотнесите страну и хлебобулочное изделие

1.hallah [hala] a) Italy

2. Baguette b) Great Britain

3.Kommisbrot c) Mexico

4.Hot dog bun d) Israel

5.Bagel e) USA

6. Roll f) Germany

7.Tortilla g) Russia

8. Breadsticks h) France

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