решить I. Match the definition with the item. (Соотнесите дефиницию с понятием)

1. It is the development and systematization of people’s knowledge about the physical universe.

a) science b) technology c) device d) gadget

2 is a scientific study of living things.

a) Geography b) Biology c) Geology d) Chemistry

3. A is a machine that has been sent into space and goes round the Earth used for radio, television and other electronic communication.

a) spaceship b) spacesuit c) satellite dish d) satellite

II. Make the right word combinations and translate them into Russian.( Образуйте словосочетания и переведите их на русский язык)

1) multifunctional a) theories

2) advanced b) devices

3) scientific c) technologies

4) modern d) problems

III. Match the verbs with the prepositions. ( Соотнесите глаголы с предлогами)

1) to plug a) with

2) to set b) on

3) to log c) in

4) to communicate d) up

danilgroshevoy danilgroshevoy    3   12.03.2021 08:53    656

ekarerinazak05 ekarerinazak05  15.01.2024 08:58
I. Match the definition with the item:

1. The correct answer is (a) science.

Explanation: Science is the development and systematization of people's knowledge about the physical universe. It involves studying and understanding the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis.

2. The correct answer is (b) Biology.

Explanation: Biology is the scientific study of living things. It involves examining the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living organisms.

3. The correct answer is (d) satellite.

Explanation: A satellite is a machine that has been sent into space and goes round the Earth. It is used for radio, television, and other electronic communications. Satellites orbit the Earth and transmit signals back to the ground, allowing for communication over long distances.

II. Make the right word combinations and translate them into Russian:

1) The correct word combination is (c) scientific theories.

Translation: научные теории.

Explanation: Scientific theories are explanations or models that are based on extensive research, observation, and experimentation. They are used to explain and predict natural phenomena.

2) The correct word combination is (b) advanced devices.

Translation: передовые устройства.

Explanation: Advanced devices refer to technologically advanced and sophisticated tools or gadgets. These devices often incorporate the latest innovations and features, providing enhanced functionalities and improved performance.

3) The correct word combination is (a) modern technologies.

Translation: современные технологии.

Explanation: Modern technologies refer to the use of current and up-to-date methods, techniques, or tools to accomplish tasks or solve problems. These technologies often rely on advancements in science and engineering.

4) The correct word combination is (d) problems.

Translation: проблемы.

Explanation: The term "modern" in this context refers to contemporary or current issues or challenges that society faces. These problems could be related to various aspects such as social, economic, environmental, or technological issues.

III. Match the verbs with the prepositions:

1) The correct match is (a) to plug in.

Explanation: "To plug in" means to connect or insert a plug into an electric socket or receptacle. It is commonly used when referring to connecting electronic devices or equipment to a power source.

2) The correct match is (b) to set up.

Explanation: "To set up" means to arrange or assemble something in a ready-to-use or operational state. It involves installing or configuring the necessary equipment, software, or system components in order to make it functional.

3) The correct match is (c) to log in.

Explanation: "To log in" means to access a computer system or online service by entering a username and password. It is necessary to authenticate and establish a secure connection to gain authorized access to digital resources or personal accounts.

4) The correct match is (d) to communicate with.

Explanation: "To communicate with" means to exchange information, thoughts, or ideas with someone. It involves the transmission and reception of messages through various means such as speaking, writing, or using technology to convey and understand information.
daryadaletskay daryadaletskay  12.03.2021 09:00

dijon shine djuj keen endurance irene

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