Решить 4. (wb) complete the sentences with the word from the box. support - feel jealous - envy - worry - quarrel - appreciate - deserve - ignore 1. it'v very important for friends to help each other in different situations. i hope when i'm in trouble, my friends will me. 2. i have several friends and we can talk about everything. but if we don't agree with each other, we can fortunately, it doens't last long. good friends shouldn't feel angry with each other for ages. 3. jim has missed several classes at school this month. he goes out with elder boys and comes home late. it his parents very much. 4. i don't believe susan can make a good friend. she gets crazy when somebody is better than her. she always her classmates when they are successful. 5. well, i don't think it will work, but i your advice and your wish to help. 6. i think you've been very rude to your neighbours. if you don't want to hear their advice, just it, but don't be rude to them. 7. - how are you getting on with your new boyfriend? - quite well, but i can't say the same about my dog. whenever racks smells him he gets and barks. - racks just because he wants you to play with him instead of chatting with your boyfriend.