Report these commands and requests. 1 dont touch his button,",the techer of computing technology said. 2 switch off the tv-set. there is nothing interesting," on my parents asked me. 3 will you give me the book please ,"one of nicks classmates asked the boy 4 wait for me at the bus stop my friend asked me 5 answer the telephon janes brother asked the girl 6hurry up or youll be late jacke asked his friend 7 try and finish you work at 6 the teacher said

89670198045 89670198045    2   24.06.2019 08:50    1

chukalina chukalina  19.07.2020 21:58
1 The techer of computing technology told them not to touch that button. 2 My parents asked me to switch off the tv-set, adding that there was nothing interesting on. 3 One of Nick's classmates asked him for a book. 4 My friend asked me to wait for him at the bus stop. 5 Jane's brother asked the girl to answer the telephone. 6 Jack asked his friend to hurry up so that they were not late. 7 The teacher told them to try and finish their work at 6.
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