Report the statements, using the verbs to agree, to believe, to tell,report the statements, using the verbs to agree, to believe, to tell, to say, to ask. 1) ron said, "ok, i will go shopping for you, ben. 2)dolly said *for sure this information is very useful for our agency.*3)kate said *can you pass me that sandwich, please? *4)greg said *alex, i will prepare my report tomorrow.*5)sally said *good. i will ask them to make some photos for you.*6)fred said *do you always buy this magazine, bill? *

Sweet572 Sweet572    1   31.05.2019 22:00    1

ИванГо228 ИванГо228  02.07.2020 08:53
1) Ron agreed to go shopping for Ben.
2) Dolly believed that information to be very useful for their agency.
3) Kate asked if I could pass her that sandwich.
4) Greg told Alex that he would prepare his report the following day.
5) Sally agreed to ask them to make some photos for me.
6) Fred asked if Bill always bought that magazine.
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