Report the sentences. Use one of the reporting verbs in the box below. warn explain admit deny suggest
advise promise complain ask threaten
1 “You’ll sprain your ankle, Celia, if you run in those shoes,” said her mother.
2 “Stand still or I'll tie you up!” shouted the kidnapper at the man.
3 “You're late again, Fay!” said John.
4 “I won't tell you another lie, Mum,” said Ben.
5 “I didn’t steal your wallet, Betty,” he said.
6 “Take the pills for three days and visit me again next week, Mr Farrow,” said the doctor.
7 “Let's go on a boat trip,” my brother told me.
8 "Yes, I did ruin the printer,” my colleague said.
9 "Did you do your homework yesterday, Mary?” the teacher wanted to know.
10 “I need the money because I must fly to London tonight,” she said.

фриск12345 фриск12345    2   19.04.2021 10:55    39

galeevaazaliyaqwert galeevaazaliyaqwert  21.12.2023 12:36
1. Her mother warned Celia that she would sprain her ankle if she ran in those shoes.
Explanation: The reporting verb "warn" is used here to report the mother's warning to Celia about the consequences of running in those shoes. The verb "warn" indicates that the mother expressed concern and advised Celia against running in those shoes to avoid injury.

2. The kidnapper threatened the man, saying that he would tie him up if he didn't stand still.
Explanation: The reporting verb "threaten" is used here to report the kidnapper's threat to the man. The verb "threaten" indicates that the kidnapper expressed the intention to harm or restrain the man if he didn't comply.

3. John complained that Fay was late again.
Explanation: The reporting verb "complain" is used here to report John's expression of dissatisfaction about Fay's habitual lateness. The verb "complain" indicates that John voiced his displeasure about Fay's repeated tardiness.

4. Ben admitted to his mother that he wouldn't tell her another lie.
Explanation: The reporting verb "admit" is used here to report Ben's acknowledgment to his mother that he would not deceive her anymore. The verb "admit" implies that Ben confessed or acknowledged a truth that he previously concealed.

5. He denied stealing Betty's wallet.
Explanation: The reporting verb "deny" is used here to report his denial of stealing Betty's wallet. The verb "deny" indicates that he refuted or rejected the accusation made against him.

6. The doctor advised Mr. Farrow to take the pills for three days and visit him again the following week.
Explanation: The reporting verb "advise" is used here to report the doctor's recommendation to Mr. Farrow. The verb "advise" suggests that the doctor provided guidance or counsel to Mr. Farrow regarding his treatment plan.

7. My brother suggested going on a boat trip.
Explanation: The reporting verb "suggest" is used here to report my brother's proposal to go on a boat trip. The verb "suggest" implies that my brother offered this idea as a potential plan or activity.

8. My colleague admitted that he had ruined the printer.
Explanation: The reporting verb "admitted" is used here to report my colleague's acknowledgment of responsibility for ruining the printer. The verb "admitted" suggests that my colleague confessed or expressed the truth about his actions.

9. The teacher asked Mary if she had done her homework the day before.
Explanation: The reporting verb "asked" is used here to report the teacher's inquiry about whether Mary had completed her homework the previous day. The verb "asked" indicates that the teacher sought information or clarification from Mary.

10. She explained that she needed the money because she had to fly to London that night.
Explanation: The reporting verb "explained" is used here to report her justification or reasoning for needing the money. The verb "explained" implies that she provided a clear and detailed explanation for why she required the money to travel to London.
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