Replace words and word combinations in brackets by their English equivalents from the text above.
(1) Children's offences typically include (противоправные акты), which would be considered crimes if (совершены взрослыми),
and status offences, which are less serious misbehavior such as (прогулы и непослушание).
(2) In Anglo-American law, a crime is an illegal act committed by a person who has (преступное намерение).
(3) A long-standing presumption held that, although a person of almost any age can commit a criminal act, children under 14 years old were unlikely to have (преступные намерения).
(4) The (несовершеннолетние) generally were not considered (морально ответственные) for their behavior.
(5) Sentences for all offenders could be harsh and (иногда выносился смертный приговор).
(6) In the second half of the 19th century increased attention was given to the need for special legal procedures that would protect and guide the children rather than (заставить ребенка отвечать по всей строгости закона).
(7) With an increase in juvenile crime statistics in 1990s, state and federal (законодатели ввели новые законы).
(8) (Условный приговор) is one of the most common sentences given to a juvenile criminal.
(9) Fifty eight percent of all juvenile sentences involve (условный приговор). (10) In fourteen percent of juvenile crime cases, the court orders (изолируют малолетних преступников от общества).
11) A person who becomes (отвергнутым обществом) may be more (склонным к совершению преступления).
(12) Theories focusing on the role of society in juvenile delinquency suggest that children commit crimes in response to their (не изменить свой социально-экономический статус).

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