Replace the infinitives by the past perfect, the past perfect continuous or the past indefinite. 1 they ( to drive ) in the car for many hours before they ( to come ) to the crossroads.2 the scientists ( to carry ) out dozens of experiments before they ( to achieve ) satisfactory results.3 the violinist ( to practise ) the passage hour after hour until he ( to master ) it at last.4 at last the postman ( to bring ) the letter which i ( to expect ) several weeks.5 he told me he ( not to see ) much of her since he ( to move ) to another place.6 when i ( to arrive ) he ( to stay ) at the same hotel where we first ( to meet ). he ( to tell ) me he ( to wait ) for me for some time already.7 he ( to consult ) his watch nervously several times before he ( to see ) her at the end of the platform.8 he ( to write ) and ( to tear ) up more than one letter when at last he ( to find ) the necessary form of address.9 my watch ( to ceep ) good time before i ( to drop ) it. 10 at the end of the week the fishermen ( to think ) they ( to sail ) long enough to reach the shore, and as there ( to be ) no land in sight, they ( to understand ) that they ( to lose ) their course and ( to follow ) the wrong route. 11 it ( not to rain ) for more than two month, and the fruits ( to fall ) before they ( to become ) ripe.

pashahitman1900 pashahitman1900    3   03.10.2019 01:20    2

nastakianka nastakianka  17.08.2020 07:11

1.Had been driving, came.2.had carried, came3.had practised, mastered.4. Had brought, exspected.5. Hadnt seen , moved.6. Arrived, had been staying, met.7. Had consulted, saw.8. Had written and tored, found.9. Had ceeped, droped.10.thought, sailed, was, understood, lost, followed, 11.had been raining, had fallen, became.

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