Replace the inderlined words in red by 1 word (a pronoun) 1) Bob is with you and me.
is with
2) Mary is with Alice.
is with
3) Mary and Alice are with Fred.
are with
4) My bags are in my office.
are in
5) I am with Mary and Alice.
I am with
6) I saw the film.
I saw
7) I didn't see Fred and Bob.
I didn't see
8) We didn't see Mary but we saw Bob. We didn't see
but we saw
9) I didn't see your bags. I didn't see
Pronoun: us
Explanation: The correct pronoun to replace "you and me" is "us" because it functions as the object of the preposition "with."
2) Mary is with Alice.
Pronoun: her
Explanation: The correct pronoun to replace "Alice" is "her" because it refers to a female person.
3) Mary and Alice are with Fred.
Pronoun: them
Explanation: The correct pronoun to replace "Mary and Alice" is "them" because it refers to a group of people.
4) My bags are in my office.
Pronoun: them
Explanation: The correct pronoun to replace "my bags" is "them" because it refers to multiple objects.
5) I am with Mary and Alice.
Pronoun: them
Explanation: The correct pronoun to replace "Mary and Alice" is "them" because it refers to multiple people.
6) I saw the film.
Pronoun: it
Explanation: The correct pronoun to replace "the film" is "it" because it refers to a singular object.
7) I didn't see Fred and Bob.
Pronoun: them
Explanation: The correct pronoun to replace "Fred and Bob" is "them" because it refers to multiple people.
8) We didn't see Mary but we saw Bob.
Pronouns: her, him
Explanation: The correct pronouns to replace "Mary" and "Bob" are "her" and "him" respectively because they both refer to a specific person.
9) I didn't see your bags.
Pronoun: them
Explanation: The correct pronoun to replace "your bags" is "them" because it refers to multiple objects.