Рецепт и приготовления голубцов, все на , много не надо примерно пол страницы

АшадЕфремова АшадЕфремова    1   12.09.2019 12:40    0

timkaserka timkaserka  26.08.2020 19:41
ingredientsTo prepare cabbage rolls you will need:
2 heads of medium-sized cabbage;1 kg of meat (pork, beef, chicken or a combination thereof);1 cup of rice;2-3 medium-sized carrots;2 large onions;vegetable oil for roasting vegetables;salt, pepper to taste;3 tbsp. l. tomato paste;sour cream

So, we choose cabbage, my head, we remove the top hard leaves.In a large saucepan boil the water. Cabbage cabbage is punctured with a large fork and dipped in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Time to choose yourself - the top sheets should become soft, but in no case do not creep into pieces.
We take out the head out of the water and take off some upper leaves. As soon as you feel that the leaves do not "go" freely, stop, otherwise you will just rip them.If necessary cut the thick places that are located at the base of the cabbage leaf.
Repeat the procedure for the next layer of leaves and the next head of cabbage - do so until it will be possible to remove smooth leaves of medium size.
Minced meat for classic cabbage rollsMeat for my cabbage rolls, cut off excess fat, film.Twist on the meat grinder. To save time, you can buy ready-made minced meat, if you practice cooking home-made foods from convenience stores.
Rice boil until half cooked. If you take the fully cooked rice, after extinguishing it will turn into a cushy mass. Raw rice "will take" a maximum of juice from meat, as a result of which it will become dry and hard.In a bowl of minced meat, lay out the rice.
It is worthwhile to understand that the quantity "1 cup" indicated in the list of ingredients for preparation of cabbage rolls is rather arbitrary. Rice can be taken a little more or slightly less, depending on what kind of stuffing in cabbage rolls you like. With these proportions, cereals and carrots with onions will be more than meat, and the dish will turn out to be vegetable rather than meat. If you prefer a more thorough, "brutal" version of cabbage rolls, you can reduce the amount of rice or increase the amount of minced meat.Carrots are cleaned, rubbed on a grater.
Carrots give succulence to stuffed cabbage, so do not reduce it. However, it will provide a filling of some sweetness - if this flavor note seems superfluous to you, take less carrots.Onions are cleaned, cut into small cubes.
Semirings or even rings are also quite appropriate. The main thing is that the appearance of the filling does not interfere with your aesthetic perception of food.On a heated frying pan pour a small amount of vegetable oil, until softly fry carrots.
We spread it in a bowl to stuffing and rice.
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