"Ice Age" is a full-length computer animated cartoon created by 20th Century Fox Film Company. Events occur at the onset of the glacial period of 20,000 years ago. To avoid cold, most animals migrate to the south. However, lonely Mamut Manfred, and the lazily Sid heading in the opposite direction, encounter a human baby. Having decided to attribute it to people, they encounter a saber-toothed tiger. On the way they fall into a lot of dangerous and fun adventures.
Events occur at the onset of the glacial period of 20,000 years ago. To avoid cold, most animals migrate to the south. However, lonely Mamut Manfred, and the lazily Sid heading in the opposite direction, encounter a human baby. Having decided to attribute it to people, they encounter a saber-toothed tiger. On the way they fall into a lot of dangerous and fun adventures.