Ребята очень нужно. Ask 5-7 questions to the text.
Presenting the paper
1. If your paper is accepted, you may be required to become a member of the organization (if not already) and pre-register for the conference. More important, you will be expected to mail a finished copy of the paper to the panel discussant and panel chair 2-4 weeks before the conference. At some conferences, you may also be expected to bring 30-50 copies of the paper with you for distribution (hint: papers written by most of us are rarely sell out; take fewer than recommended).
2. Most panels last ½ to 2 hours. Three to five papers are presented with each panelist given about 15 minutes, sometimes less. One or two discussants will be given similar amounts of time to comment on the papers. Don’t read your paper. For one thing, it is only possible to read 5-8 pages in 20 minutes. Therefore, you need to cover only the essentials. Second, the demands on an audience listening to a paper are far greater than on the same people reading it. You will want to prepare presentation designed for a listening audience (this is a lot like giving a class lecture). For your first conference, time your presentation. If handouts are helpful, prepare 20-25 (bring more if somebody famous is on your panel).
3. Upon arriving at the conference, locate the room where your panel will be held. Check out the room and remember how to get there. Beware: the elevators in the conference hotel become jammed as dozens of panels end; do not be late to your own panel. When you arrive, go to the table at the front of the room and introduce yourself to the other panelists.
4. There are three difficult tasks at the panel. The first is looking as if you are paying attention to the first panelist when you are mentally rehearsing your own paper; try to relax and enjoy listening to the other papers. The second challenge is presenting your paper in the allotted time. A good panel chair will pass you a note after 13 minutes which says “2 minutes to go”. Here you may need to pause for a second and map out a strategy for summarizing your conclusions in less time than you planned. The third difficulty is listening carefully to the discussant – especially if you feel the discussant did not understand your paper or did not like it. Take careful notes and try not to over-react when you get a chance to respond. If the discussant has potentially valid criticism, it is OK to agree. Some people seem naturally better at such presentations than others and some people are more comfortable interacting with other panelists. But everybody gets better with experience.
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polinaponomare1 polinaponomare1    1   02.11.2020 09:35    7

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