Ребята Дам 80б Впр. 1. В наступних реченнях замініть підрядні додаткові герундієм з прийменником of.
E.g. She thought she would go to the country for the week-end.
She thought of going to the country for the week-end.
1. I thought I would come and see you tomorrow. 2. I am thinking that I shall go out to the country tomorrow to see my mother. 3. What do you think you will do tomorrow? 4.1 don't know now; I thought l would go to the zoo, but the weather is so bad that probably I shan't go. 5. I hear there are some Eng¬lish books at our institute book-stall now. - So you are thinking that you will buy some, aren't you? 6.1 thought I would work in the library this evening, but as you have come, I won't go to the library.