Ребят очень нужно для экзамена Задание 1

1.Вставьте пропущенные слова

It is necessary to know the ..…..of materials

Tuners use and measuring tools

Turner is a …...specialist

The turner must select the order ofof the parts

The turner must produce various

Machining, metalworking , properties, cutting, parts

2. Переведите предложения.

Задание 2

1. Скажите верны или нет утверждения.

The turner must produce various parts without drawings.

A turner does not make technitial calculations as he is not an engineer.

The turner must know the properties of materials, be able to use cutting and measuring tools.

2. Соедините две части чтобы получилось предложение.

The machine operator makes

Turner makes various parts

The machine operator celects

the necessary tools

the necessary calculations

from metal and other materials

Задание 3

1. Переведите текст.

Cast iron is a metal that is widely used. It is hard, brittle metal that has good wear resistance. Cast iron contains carbon. White cast carbon is very hard and is used mostly where wear resistance is required. White cast iron may be made into malleable iron by heating it; then cooling it very slowly over a long period of time. Malleable iron is stronger ant tougher than white cast iron. It is used mostly for casting because of its ability to flow easily into complex shapes.

2. Подберите заголовок к тексту.

1.Properties of cast iron

2. Wear resistance of metals

3. С. Carbon content

Задание 4

1. Поставьте предложение в нужном порядке чтобы получился диалог.

- Yes, please. I would like to buy welding gloves

- Yes, sure. They are made of leather. They protect hands very well.

- Can I help you?

- What size?

- Large please. Can I try them on?

- 20 dollars. Will you pay in cash or credit card?

- I like them. What is the price?

2. Подберите перевод к словам.

Resistant to staining






Устойчивый к ржавчине


Задание 5

1. Вставьте пропущенные слова.

• Can you explain the….. between a sketch and a drawing?

• Of course, frequently sketches are necessary for the preparation of a …….

• Do you mean that first considerations about shape and …….are laid down?

• You are right. And drawing specifies an object on the scale.

Scale, dimensions, difference, drawing

2. Переведите диалог.

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