Rend the text
Hello, my name is Brxst 3. I am what you call an alien. I live on Murkst. That is three universe
дау from Earth. I am 12.654 light-years old. I am green and my hair is red. I amn 22 toes high
have one big and one small eve On each hand I have four fingers. I have twelve sisters and thirteen
brothers. We were all born on the same day. My favourite food is worms with popcom. I lov
playing piano with my feet and writing moon poems with my ear. I man working in a star countin
office. We count stars the whole day. It is very funny. I have found 134 trillion stars. Sometime
we find it funny to start from the beginning again. I don't have an own family. But I have a pet.
is a cross between a hamster and a kitchen monster. His name is Fullmoon
Task 1. Read the sentences and write TRUE or FALSE next to the sentences.
1 The ulien's name is Brest
2 Boxst live on the Marxt
3 Brest as green