Reading: Total: 7 points (one point for each answer) Task 1: Read the text and do the tasks below.
Interviewer: We spoke to some people to find out their opinions about sport.
Speaker 1: I play tennis quite often, and it’s a great form of exercise. It keeps me healthy. It’s important
to stay in shape and a good game of tennis really makes your body work. Everyone needs to find a way to get
some exercise and for me, it’s tennis. Sometimes I play with my best friend and we have a serious competition.
Speaker 2: I’m not really very interested in most sport, but there is one I like — motor racing. Some
people think it’s boring to just watch cars going round and round, but I love it. It’s really exciting, and it takes a
lot of skill. I’d like to try it, because some of my friends tried to do it, but I think I’d be a bit frightened because
they go very fast.
Speaker 3: We’ve tried a few different sports at school, and I really like playing volleyball. It’s a great
feeling when you know you’ve played better than the other team. You have to be quite fit to do it well. I’d like
to play again, but none of my friends are interested. I think I need to find a team in my local area.
Speaker 4: I love going to football and basketball matches. I try to go every weekend, with my friends.
What I like about those sports is that the players have to work together to be successful. You can be a fantastic
player, but without the others, you’re nothing.
Speaker 5: I like sport, but I don’t really take it seriously. Winning and losing aren’t very important to
me, but spending time with my friends is. We get together every Saturday and play a different sport — football
or baseball, usually. It’s a lot of fun.
Task 1. Read 5 abstracts (1-5) and match them with the given sentences (A –F) and then
write each letter into the box below. One sentence is left.
Прочитайте 5 отрывков (1-5) и соедините их с данными предложениями (A –F) и
затем напишите букву в таблице ниже. Одно предложение лишнее.
A. She thinks sport is a good way to keep fit
B. She enjoys watching team sports
C. She would like to try a dangerous sport
D. She thinks watching sport is dangerous
E. She wants to join a team to play a sport
F. She likes playing sports with her friends
speaker 1 2 3 4 5
Task 2. Give the full answers to the questions:
Напишите полные ответы на вопросы:
6) Why is winning not important for speaker 5?
7) What speaker doesn’t share his interests in sport with his friends?
Total for reading:
Writing: Total 4 points
Descriptors for writing:
1point – volume (объем (80-100 words)
1 point – vocabulary and content (слова по теме и содержание)
1 point – grammar (грамматически правильно построенные предложения, использование условных
1 point –spelling (правильное написание слов)

Task 1.Write an essay about your “healthy lifestyle”
according to the plan.
A plan:
1)What is healthy lifestyle? Are you leading a healthy lifestyle
2)What healthy and unhealthy things are you doing sitting at
home (in isolation)?
3)What would you do if you had a chance to walk on the street
now? (2 (unreal) conditionals)
4)What sports do you go in for? What does it give you?
5)What healthy and unhealthy food are you eating now?
6) What will you become if you lead healthy lifestyle for a long time? (1(real) conditional)
“A healthy lifestyle”

avruchka7 avruchka7    3   10.05.2021 10:45    3

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