Reading Task 1. Read the text. Then match the questions 1-5 with the paragraphs A-C.
A I'm Tim Theakstone and I live in a very unusual home. Most of my house is under the
ground. The house isn't very big. It's got a small kitchen at the front and next to that is a living
room. There's also a bathroom and a bedroom,
B. I live here with my wife, Jenny. She's in the kitchen at the moment. I usually do the
cooking. but Jenny's cooking today because I'ni writing this blog.
С The house is very warm because it's underground. Solar energy heats the water. It
works very well. There's always hot water for a shower. The only bad thing about living in
this house is that it's quite dark, so we have a lot of lamps!
1 How does Tim keep the house warn?
2 Where does Tim live?
3 Are there any problems with the house?
4 What are Tim and his wife doing now?
5 What rooms has Tim's house got?
5 points​

master204 master204    3   30.10.2020 13:38    12

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