Read the text and say if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS). (5 points)
Famine is defined as an extreme shortage amount of food in a land. Its spread in many regions around the world, and can affect all humans.
Famine can be caused by many different reasons, some, like floods, droughts, and earthquakes are natural, and others, like lack of food and shortage in food distribution to specific parts of a region, humans are responsible for.
Famine has managed to spread around many parts of the world, from Ireland to Sudan to Afghanistan and Ethiopia, and at different times. For every time famine stroke a region it would be as a result of many causes, these causes differ from a period of time to another, and from a place to another. The main causes of famine as we see it are government policies, natural disasters, and malnutrition.
World Problems are problems that affect not just one particular group of people in the world but a large number of several groups in the world. Famine is the biggest World Problems facing us today. Even though we as Americans have not yet seen or experienced the horrors of famine, other parts of the world have. We need to take action and solve this problem before it gets worse.
1. Famine isn’t a problem for most countries.
2. Famine is caused by different problems.
3. A period of time and a place influence famine
4. Americans don’t support the countries that suffer from famine.
5. Famine is a common problem.
Sorry bro,Sorry bro,Sorry bro,Sorry bro,Sorry bro,Sorry bro
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