Reading Read the text and mark the sentences True or False.
"Alice in the Wonderland. Down the Rabbit Hole
Alice gets very tired of sitting with her sister on the bank and of having nothing to do once or twice she peeps
into the book her sister is reading, but it has no pictures or conversations in it Suddenly she sees a White Rabbit
with pink eyes running by her. It is wearing a waistcoat and takes a watch out of it, while saying to himself Oh
dear! Oh dear! I shall be latel Alice gets very curious and follows him down his rabbit-hole
The rabbit-hole suddenly goes straight down, and Alice falls into it. The well is really deep, and she falls very
slowly and while falling she is talking to herself. She has a lot of time as she wonders what is going to happen
next. She notices that there are cupboards and shelves in the well. She takes a marmalade jar from one of the
shelves. The jar is empty, so Alice puts it on another shelf. She speaks aloud to herself wondering how far she
has fallen. She continues to speak aloud, dreaming about her cat Dinah Dinah, my dearl wish you were here
with me!" Suddenly she lands on a heap of sticks and dry leaves and the fall is over. She sees the White Rabbit
running in front of her through a long tunnel and she continues to follow it.
There were 3 pictures in the book.

Вася2288221 Вася2288221    2   05.03.2021 10:15    18

xXxA6PUKOCxXx xXxA6PUKOCxXx  11.01.2024 23:58
Для ответа на данный вопрос нужно внимательно прочитать текст и отметить, являются ли утверждения верными (True) или ложными (False).

В тексте сказано, что "she peeps into the book her sister is reading, but it has no pictures or conversations in it" (она заглядывает в книгу, которую читает ее сестра, но в ней нет ни рисунков, ни разговоров). Это значит, что в книге не было никаких рисунков, а значит, утверждение "There were 3 pictures in the book" является ложным (False).

Итак, ответ на вопрос:
"There were 3 pictures in the book." - False.
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