Read the article written by a boy called Mark. Are the sentences ‘True’ (a) or ‘False’ (b)?
If there is not enough information to answer ‘True’ (a) or ‘False’ (b), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (c).
I’m really interested in wildlife and when I
leave school, I’d love to get a job that involves
working with animals. I’m not sure what,
though – I’ve been to lots of zoos and seen
amazing animals like giraffes and camels but I
couldn’t imagine having a job there, really. I’ve
even been on what’s called a safari, where you
travel to the place where the animals live and
watch them there. I’ve been lucky enough to
see lions and elephants that way and it was an
unforgettable experience. That would really be
a great job to have – protecting creatures like
that in their natural environment!
Recently, though, I’ve become interested
in much smaller creatures, like insects. It
started when I was helping outside in our
school vegetable patch – we grow things like
potatoes and carrots there. I moved some
big stones – and underneath there was an
ants’ nest! Hundreds of ants were living there
and as soon as the stones were moved, they
started rushing around, picking up all the eggs
in the nest and carrying them to safety. It was
incredible to watch. How did they all know
what to do or which way to go?
That got me interested in how small creatures
communicate with each other. Bees are
another example of insects that have amazing
communication skills. Scientists think they
can tell other bees where the best flowers are
by doing a special little dance, for example,
which is amazing. And I’m not sure about
this, but I reckon without bees, many of the
plants that give us food might die. So although
studying insect communication sounds like it
might be really boring, it’s actually essential to
understand it. Wish me luck!
1 Mark would like to work in a zoo because of his interest in animals.
a True b False c Doesn’t say
2 The animals that Mark likes best are lions.
a True b False c Doesn’t say
3 Mark’s interest in insects began when he was doing some gardening.
a True b False c Doesn’t say
4 Mark was impressed by the behaviour of the ants he saw.
a True b False c Doesn’t say
5 Mark mentions one way in which bees give each other information.
a True b False c Doesn’t say
6 Mark knows how important bees are to human food supplies.
a True b False c Doesn’t say

ум5789 ум5789    3   26.05.2020 14:56    5

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