Reading Bob hates living in the country. He enjoys traveling with his parents in summer. But last summer his parents were busy working in the summer and they stayed in Moscow. So, Bob went to the country to live with his grandmother.
His grandmother is fond of her garden. She likes to grow vegetables and flowers. There is a greenhouse in the garden. In the spring, she planted (посадила) some special kind of pumpkin (тыква) in the green house. But Bob’s grandmother felt unwell. She worried about her unusual pumpkins. Bob is a very good grandson. He took good care of the pumpkins and every day, early in the morning, he watered the soil. Soon green leaves came through the ground. Bob was interested in the pumpkin.
Soon Bob’s grandmother felt better but it was so nice when her dear Bob watered not only the pumpkins but the whole garden. Bob worked hard all summer. Still (однако) he didn’t like the results of his work. The pumpkin in the greenhouse was small and green. At the end of August, Bob and his grandmother went to Moscow and Bob forgot about his pumpkin. But in late autumn Bob and his parents came back to their country place. They picked the apples and cleaned the garden. Bob decided to have a look at the pumpkin. What he saw was a great surprise for him! The pumpkin was very big and yellow. Bob could not lift it, his father tried to lift it too but he couldn’t. Then the father took his camera and made a picture of the pumpkin. He sent it to the newspaper (газета). Many people were interested in the unusual pumpkin. They wrote letters to Bob’s grandmother.
In the winter Bob enjoyed eating the pumpkin porridge. It tasted sweet and it smelt so wonderful!
1. Choose the title. Выбери заголовок текста
1. Last Summer
2. Hard Work in the Garden
3. A Great Surprise!