Reading 9 Read the text. Then answer the questions. Write Yes or No. (10 marks)
Hi Zoli
How are you? I’m very well – incredibly well, in fact!
Yesterday was a good day. I was helping my dad in the shop after school when a girl from my class came into the shop. She’s a very confident person and I always feel shy when she speaks to me. But she was really friendly. First, she asked for some washing powder, so I gave her that. Then she asked for some toothpaste. Then one by one she asked for ten more household items. Finally she said, ‘Actually, I don’t want to buy anything. Do you want to come to the cinema with me tonight?’ She spoke quite quickly and I didn’t hear all the words, so I asked her to repeat. She was a bit red, but she repeated her invitation. I was really happy and said, ‘Yes, please.’ We had a great evening.
Write to me soon!

Is Carl feeling sad? No
1 Did he help his mum after school yesterday?
2 Did Carl know the girl who came into the shop?
3 Did the girl ask for twelve things?
4 Did Carl and the girl go to the theatre?
5 Did they have a good time? ​

sashadorosh1953 sashadorosh1953    2   20.10.2020 08:40    1

ovosh228322 ovosh228322  19.11.2020 08:40


1. No, he did help his dad

2. Yes, she is a girl from his class

3. Yes

4. No, they did go to the cinema

5. Yes, they had a great evening

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